Cannabis + Neutral Cue Set
Cue Set Used in Miller et al. 2024
Miller, B. P., Aston, E. R., Davis, W., Berey, B. L., Dowd, A. N., & Amlung, M. (2024). Examining the effect of cannabis cues on cannabis demand in sleep, driving, and typical drug use contexts. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 254, 111057.

This folder contains 280 images used in Miller et al. 2024. The contents are free and unvalidated. We selected half of the cues from previously validated cue sets (Karoly et al., 2019; Macatee et al., 2021) and some additional stock images to increase the variety of neutral cues and the sociodemographic characteristics of people shown in both cue sets. See Miller et al. 2024 for exact study procedures. The exact content of this folder includes:
• 135 Cannabis cues
o 45 images of cannabis paraphernalia (i.e., 15 bong, 15 bowl/pipe, 15 joint or blunt)
o 45 images of cannabis plants (i.e., 15 bud, 15 ground cannabis, 15 whole plants)
o 45 images of people smoking (i.e., 15 out of a bong, 15 out of a bowl/pipe, 15 a joint or blunt)
• 135 Neutral cues
o Roughly matched in color, position, and size to each of the 135 cannabis cues
• 10 Pixelated (probe) images