Frequently Asked Questions
Below are so common questions, along with answers and solutions when relevant.
"Why is it asking me to pay to read the full research article?"
Authors sign over exclusive monetary and reproduction rights to the publisher when an article is published. Journals therefore often charge a subscription fee to view their articles or allow individuals to purchase the rights to a PDF. There is one exception. Government-funded research must become publicly available (free) after 1 year of publication. In every other case, unless you have access to an online university library, you will have to pay to read the article. Articles that are free to view are labeled with an "Open Access" symbol on the Publications page. Fortunately, authors still retain the right to distribute PDF copies of their articles to individual entities at their discretion. If you are interested in the full text of an article, please email me or click the contact button.
"Is this a research lab website?"
No, this is not a research lab website. As a PhD student, I do not have my own lab, however I do have a passion for addiction research and a program of published research. After completing my degree and post-doctoral fellowship, this website will be converted into a research lab website.
"Why do certain things look weird on the mobile version?"
Website design is a complex process. In today's age, websites often need separate desktop and mobile versions in order to display their content best for each device. The mobile version of this website is still in development. Therefore, certain content may not display properly on mobile devices. This should be fixed soon, so thank you for your patience! If you notice any specific bugs or glitches, feel free to contact me with information on the device and browser you are using.